Christianity? Why Are There So Many Rules?

Scripture:  Deuteronomy 5:6-21

Scripture Memory:  2 Cor 1:3-4

Journey:  This week’s Small Group discussion guide describes a popular objection to Christianity with these words, “People say that the Christian belief in an absolute, one-size-fits-all truth that is objectively true for everyone is subversive to our individual and communal freedom. Christianity is an enemy of authentic personhood, social cohesion, and even freedom.”

 In other words, when you become a Christian, do you miss out on being free, on being fully alive, on the good stuff? Are there too many restrictions?  Do you give up being able to decide for yourself what you think is right and what you think is wrong? 

How do you respond to that objection and help people to see that following Christ provides you with the greatest freedom you can possibly experience in this life? That’s what we’ll be thinking about today in our Jouney in the Word. 

Free from the law of sin and death, 

Will (for the pastors)