A Life of Freedom – Pt 2

Scripture: Colossians 2:18-23

Scripture Memory:  1 Peter 3:15-16

 “ . . .in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.”

Journey: We’ll continue today, where we left off last week, trying to identify the negative influence of legalism, mysticism and asceticism.

Legalism is “The teachings of the Bible + good deeds = salvation” (or life as it should be). We pointed out last week that if you give in to legalism that there will be two results. One, you‘ll begin to live your life to please people – although the bottom line is that you are not accountable to Betty and Fred but to God. Two, legalism will cause you to “fall away from grace.” That means you’ll begin to live as if your acceptance by God is dependent upon the things you do instead of it being simply and completely dependent upon His grace in Christ. It’s very deceptive, but nothing will carry you away from God faster than a “good life” of legalism.

Today we’ll think similarly about the influences of spiritual mysticism and asceticism and what it means for us to really experience the substance of life by God’s grace through faith in Christ alone. 

God bless,

Will (for the pastors)