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Needs, Wants, & Desires

So many times, we get our needs, wants, and desires  mixed up.   What we think we “need”, is really what we really “want”, but what we “want” disguises what we really “desire”.   However, beyond our needs, wants and desires, is what we really “value”.  One of the areas where this is evident is in the area of sex.

In the 2nd message in the series, “Free & Single”, Pastor Gary discusses what we all really, really value in sex and relationships and how do get what you really value in both of these things.

Mr Right & Ms. Right

Most people have an image in their mind of what the “right” person for them looks like.   They have some image of their physical characteristics and their emotional characteristics and they go searching for the person who fit this mold.   For most people, , somewhere along the way something goes wrong, and the Mr. Right or the Ms.Right ends up becoming Mr. Wrong and Ms. Wrong.  Unfortunately for many people, they do not realize that until after the “I do’s”    In the first message in the series “free and single”, we will be talking about how you can avoid making the mistakes so many married folks have made in the quest for Mr. Right or Ms. Right.

The Strength

God wants us to draw near to Him in order to build a relationship with us which will provide the strength we need to be successful along life’s journey.

In the 2nd installment in the series on “The Basics”, Calvin McBridge explains how carving out some time each day to spend with Jesus, will give you strength to get through each day.

The Rock

One of the things that we say in church all the time is “the Bible is the Word of God”.    For so many of us, however, that word is so hard to hear and so much harder to understand.   Oftentimes, we resort to reading one verse, reading a devotional, or not reading it at all.  As such, many of us never really hear God talking to us.   Because God has the answers to all of our life’s problems, not hearing from God is a problem.


In order for your 2017 and beyond to be better than your 2016 and behind, God’s Word has to come alive in your life and hearing God’s voice and instructions has to become a regular, daily part of our lives.    That is our rock.   That is our foundation.

Pastor Gary teaches about how to truly make that become a reality in our lives.  In the 2nd part in the series simply called “The Basics”, we discuss some of the basic foundations of faith in Jesus and the benefits that it provides.


Pastor Gary

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