Building Community (Part 2) “Growing Together”

As you listen to this sermon, we pray that you will be stronger and with a renewed desire, purpose to grow and help each other grow.  Together we can do big things for each other, and for this community, as we live out our full potential.

Building Community (Part 1) “Belonging Together”

We were created for community.  We’re wired for relationships.  We’re made to go through life together!  Here’s the problem-it’s easy to get disconnected in relationships.  This message looks at four major causes of that.  Why do relationships fall apart?  When they go bad, how do you build them again?  And, how do you start new relationships and prevent them from going bad?

This message titled “Belonging Together,” is the first in our new “Building Community” series.

A Fresh Start (Part 4) “A God of Fresh Starts”

Sometimes knowing the right thing to do and doing the right thing are completely at odds with each other.  There is always a good reason to put off doing what you’re supposed to do.  As a result, many of us live in a state of misery, defeat, and never realize our full potential.  If this is you, you’ve come to the right place for some great news.  The great news is that God does not want you to live this way.  Regardless of your situation, none of us were born for a life of defeat.  Today, God wants to show you how to forget about “what is” and how you can have a “Fresh Start.”

The Lord says: ” Forget the things that happened in the past.  Do not keep on thinking about them. I am about to do something new.” Isaiah 43:18-19a

What Happens When we Worship

Deuteronomy 26:1-19

Have you ever thought about what worship means?  When most people hear that word, they think about people singing, praying, raising hands, etc.  The reality, however, is that worship is so much more than that.  It permeates every area of our lives.  God tells us that when we “get this,” and we follow it, not only will it please Him, but the benefits that we will receive are much greater than the sacrifice of worship.

A Fresh Start (Part 3) Through God’s Forgiveness

Pastor Mike will teaches on getting “A Fresh Start Through God’s Forgiveness.” God has promised to forgive all who confess their sins to Him.  If The Almighty is gracious enough to forgive our sins, then we should follow his lead and forgive others.  Then, and only then, can we truly have a fresh start.