I Am… Because Of The Great “I AM”

Pastor Gary preaching on the fact that “we are God’s Masterpiece” and that as His masterpiece, He promises to carry us through every circumstance.   He also draws parallels between how the human body is a miraculous work of art.

This message is part III of the “How Great Is Our God” series

How Great Is Our God

At a Chris Tomlin concert in 2011, Pastor Louie Giglio talked about the greatness of God reflected in all creation.   He also talked about the planet and stars and animals and all of those bring something unique in their worship to God.   In this sermon, Pastor Gary utilized many aspects of Pastor Louie’s message to illustrate the greatness of God.

How Great Is Our Dad (Father’s Day 2014)

In the first message of the series, How Great is Our God, Pastor Gary Wallace shares his personal experience with one of the greatest leaders and Godly examples that he has ever known, his Dad, in this message titled “How Great Is Our Dad”.    This message, delivered on Father’s Day 2014, explains 6 characteristics of great dads.

Right Things Wrong Motives

In another installment of the series, “Living The Life”, Pastor Arthur Connor teaches from Matthew 6:1-4 on the dangers of doing the right things with the wrong motives.

PCC Commencement Service 2014

Pioneer Community Church demonstrates its commitment to its youth and to education by recognizing them with a graduation ceremony full of pomp and circumstance.     In the commencement speech, Dr. William Hobbs counsels the graduates on avoiding many of the pitfalls that can come from moving from one stage of life to the next.

Dr. William Hobbs is a professor of Creative Writing at Florida Memorial University.