What The Gospel Is…

So many times we think the “Gospel” is for people who are not like us.  It is for people who are not “good people.  It certainly is not for us, because we are “good” people.   We give money to the poor.   We treat people nicely.   We got to church every Sunday, …well most Sundays.     The fact of the matter is that we oftentimes don’t realize that the Gospel is for all of us.   The incredible love of Jesus is not just for some, rather it is for all of us.   …because we all need that love.

In this “Youth Sunday” message,  PCC Student Ministries (Refresh Youth) leader, Jonathan Wallace, delivers his first message to PCC reminding us of what the Gospel really is.

Building A Home God’s Way

If you believe that God has called you to marriage at some point in the future, if you want to know the how to find the right person to date, if you want to know whether or not you should continue in a relationship, this sermon is for you.

If you are married with our without kids, and you want your home to be a haven and respite, and a place that is fun to come home to, this sermon is for you

If you are single, living with your parent, sibling, or roommate, and you want to know  how to operate to your home, this sermon is for you.

In the first of a series of message on the family, Pastor Gary gives practical, Biblical advice on how to Build a Home God’s Way.

Unstoppable Love (Hosea)

One of the characters in the Bible that we don’t hear a lot about, is the prophet Hosea.   Hosea was unique in that he was the only prophet who married someone who became a prostitute.    The story reads like a Lifetime movie, but demonstrates an unconditional, unstoppable love that Jesus has for us.    If you have ever doubted God’s love or need a reminder, this sermon will encourage you that God’s love for you and us is an incredible, unstoppable love.

Staying In The Race (Noah)

Many times in our life, our prayers seem like it takes a really long time to get answered,  it seems like it take a long time for deliverance from a struggle, it seems to take a long time for God’s promises to come through.       Pastor Gary uses the story of Noah to focus on a man who demonstrated endurance as an encouragement to “stay in the race”.

Plant and Water – Pioneer Community Church Blueprint For The Future

Pastor Gary Wallace outlines his vision for PCC in this sermon.   1 Cor 3:6 Paul said that “[He] planted, Apollos watered, but it was God who made it grow”.     Our job as a church is to create a healthy environment in order for the Holy Spirit to do His work.    In this message, Pastor Gary outlined the “S.P.E.E.C.I.A.L. “strategy for creating a healthy church.