Money: Panel Discussion / Q&A

In the wrap-up of the money talks series, Casie Grant hosts a Q&A session with Pastor Gary Wallace, Pastor Charles Watkins, Hazel Grace Dansoh, Patrice McFarlane, Lindel Douglas, and Delores Fearon.  In this session, the panel answers some really tough questions based on feedback and discussions arising out of the Money Talk$ series.

Money: Multiply It Faithfully

In this week’s installment of the Money Talks series,  Certified Financial Planner, investment advisor, and PCC member, Lindell Douglas delivers the message on how to multiply the resources that he has given you by doing safe and prudent investing.   This message is filled with practical tips and advice on how to do that using Biblical principles

Gifts:Develop It Deliberately

Using the parable of the talents, youth leader, youth camp leader, and motivational speaker, Calvin McBridge teaches on what it means to take the talents that you are born with and the importance of developing it.   By doing it and fulfilling that mandate, we will be a force for the Kingdom