Real Trials

James, the half-brother of Jesus, is one of the most practical writers of any book in the New Testament.   In fact, his book is often called the Proverbs of the New Testament.   It is filled with advice on how to put your faith into action.  In this series opener for the series, REAL, Calvin McBridge talks about how to handle the inadvertent trials and temptations that will come with this life.

The Mess

All of us either has made a mess of things or messed up badly in our past in some an area of our life.   Some  of us are currently in the middle of a mess, and some of us are two steps away from being in a mess or messing up something. This mess could be  financial, physical, emotional, relational, or vocational.

In the 4th message in the series, Speaking Of Jesus, Pastor Gary talks about how our heavenly father handles it when we make a mess of things

Friend Of Sinners

Jesus demonstrated how to pursue a relationship with all people including those who are much different than he was.  He did this so well and so often that the pharisees called Jesus, a “Friend of Sinners”.   However, Jesus was not influenced by the world, and all that it has to offer.  How was he able to be a friend of sinners, while at the same time remaining holy?   this, and much more is explained in this installment in the series “Speaking Of Jesus”