In The Storm

Storms come! This is one thing that is a fact, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a Christ-follower or not.  It doesn’t matter if the storm is a physical storm like a hurricane, or if the storm is personal as in, money problems, job loss, marital problems, problems with kids, problems with parents. etc.


So, what do we do when the storms come?   Where is God in all of this?   Does He cause storms to come, and if so…why?


In this message, Pastor Gary addresses this tough questions that all of us at some point or another,  inadvertently ask.

Promotion Rules

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get promotions while others don’t?   Sometimes it does not even matter if they deserve it or not, or are people persons or not.    In this message, Pastor Gary answers that question and so much more.

This message is a continuation of the series on Nehemiah called “The Walls” and is based on Neh 5:14-Neh 6:1

Rebuilding The Gates / Restoring The Walls

For the past few weeks, we have been doing a series on the life of Nehemiah called “The Walls”, where we have been looking at how to discover and pursue your passions,  how to use those passions to fulfill your life’s purpose, and how to overcome life’s obstacles through persistence.


In this week’s message, Pastor Terrence Mullings, continues the series by discussing how to have peace and how to stay on track when distractions, disappointments, and discouragement comes along your pathway.