Getting There

“Why is it that we find it so hard to attain our goals, and have our needs, wants, and desires met?”

While there are many answers to that question, I believe that so many times our needs, wants, desires, and goals, aren’t met because of the key thing many of us overlook or ignore.   We are missing out on so many possibilities that are completely attainable and life-changing, because we miss this one thing. That one thing is wise counsel.

In this message, Pastor Gary talks about how to seek out wise counsel, how to recognize counsel that is wise and helpful, and how to follow it.


I Am ______________

Fact is, we all have names and labels we have for ourselves.  These are the “3rd words” that comes after we begin a statement with “I am…”. Some we gave our selves, and others have been placed upon us.   More often than not, the labels and identity that we assume, does not line up with the identity God has given us.

In this message, Jonathan Wallace reminds us of this and encourages us to accept our God-given identity in this sermon called “I Am ___________”.

The Things I Do

On the last day of the year, we all often look back and reflect on the year and whether or not we accomplished all that we believe we would accomplish, overcome the things we planned to overcome, and do the things that we set out to do.      Oftententimes however, we end up not doing that and re-setting that for the following year.

In this New Years Eve message, Pastor Gary talks about how to break that cycle so that the upcoming year will be your best year yet.

White Elephant

When Jesus came on the scene, nobody expected him… …they certainly didn’t expect him to come this way.  Mary, Joseph, Herod, nobody…   In fact, to some, he was somewhat of a White Elephant.

In this Christmas Eve service, Pastor Gary talks about the story of the gift of Jesus from Mary and Joseph’s perspective, and how to not see Jesus as a white elephant, but rather God’s perfect gift