By Who’s Wisdom Do You Live?

ScriptureProverbs 23:4-5  

 Do not wear yourself out to get rich;
   have the wisdom to show restraint.
Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone,
   for they will surely sprout wings
   and fly off to the sky like an eagle.


Scripture Memory:  Romans 10:9

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Journey: To help us develop a more biblical philosophy of finances we’re in the second week of our new sermon series called: “He Always Gives Enough” 


Broadly speaking, there are two major sources of thought for how we should view material resources. One source says, work hard, plan carefully, acquire as much as you can, enjoy what is yours. The other source says work hard, plan carefully, acquire as much as you can, enjoy what you have but it also says, “You will find your greatest joy in giving away all that you possibly can. So be wise and do it!”


If I were to say to you, “There is no doubt in my mind that the second source represents God’s plan as revealed in the Bible, this is Jesus’ desire for you” would you believe that is true? That is such a critical question to answer. Here’s another important question to answer: “If we see that this really is God’s plan for us are you willing to step out in faith, change your thinking and have your life changed by “Just Doing It”?


Praying for generosity to grow even more,  

Will (for the pastors)

What Do You Own?

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29:10-16

Scripture Memory: Titus 3:5

“. . . He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.”

Journey: We’re beginning a new four week series today called “He Always Gives Enough”

Perhaps you’re thinking as you read that “We did a series on stewardship not long ago and we’re already talking about money again?” Yes, we are talking about money again and here are a few reasons why:

One, Jesus talked about money as much as he talked about heaven and hell combined. Read that again, it is sort of shocking to think about.

Two, that Jesus talked so much about money logically leads to the conclusion that the way we think about and handle money is an indicator of where we are spiritually. Jesus wasn’t concerned about money – he was concerned about how we view money because it is a window to our soul and reveals what we value and love.

Three, people in North America seem to be “financially challenged” on the whole – at least from a biblical perspective. Analysts indicate that Americans (yes, professing Christians included) spend $1.26 for every $1 they earn.

Folks, there is a better way; a way that doesn’t involve bondage and worry and anxiety. There is a way that is marked by freedom and peace, having enough and being content and even wildly joyful and generous.

Over the next four weeks I believe we will see that God actually promises us all of that. Nevertheless, there are two absolutely critical questions you have to personally ask and answer. Here they are: If God does offer me financial freedom, peace and contentment (1) What does that involve in terms of my thinking and my lifestyle and (2) will I accept God’s gift according to His plan or do I think that I have a better way?

Will (for the pastors)