What it Means to Follow Jesus

Our mission here at Pioneer Community Church is “To show and tell others of the fullness of life that is offered in Christ.”  Did you know that the disciples in the Bible had that same mission?  Well, it’s true, which means that we too are disciples.

Pastor Gary brings the message “We are Disciples- What it Means to Follow Jesus.”  This message gives specifics on how to attain spiritual growth so that we may become effective disciples of Christ.

Your Pastors

Seize the Moment, Live for Him

We’ve all heard the saying “don’t put of till tomorrow what you can do today.”  When it comes to making the decision to accept Christ into your life, that saying goes hand in hand with another- “tomorrow is promised to no one.”

Pastor Mike brings to us the message titled “Seize the Moment, live for Him.”  This message will emphasize that if you want to change your life, and you want to be sure of eternal salvation, do not put off doing business with God, the time is now!
Your Pastors

The Key to Greatness

What does Greatness look like, and how do you recognize it when you see it?  How do you know it when you see it?
There is an ancient way of thinking about greatness that is still very much alive in our day, but Jesus brings us a whole new way of thinking about what it means to be great in God’s eyes. That’s what we’ll think about today as we Journey in the Word.


No Fear

Perhaps you have noticed that somewhere along the way we have turned Jesus into a Mr. Rogers figure; a genteel, soft spoken, relationally sensitive, grandfathering figure who walks around in a white robe, with softly permed hair, indiscriminately blessing people with kind words.

Today, as we Journey in the Word, we will see that Jesus was actually a walking defining moment, much more aptly described as the Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5). What does it mean to follow such a man, aspiring to be like Him?

Join me as we seek to find out,


Over the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about discipleship – what it really means to follow Jesus.  We’ve explored the Gospels and seen the portraits of Jesus’ character, His willingness to reach, accept, and include people who other thought were unworthy.  And in turn, those people realized that He was the one true teacher.

Today, Pastor Mike will revisit some of the lessons we’ve learned about discipleship in order to reinforce our understanding of what it really means to be Christ-like and what we should be doing to spread the Good News to reach others for God’s kingdom.

Have a Blessed week,
Your Pastors