God’s Vision For Your Family

In the 4th sermon in the series, Building A Family God’s Way, Pastor Arthur Connor delivers a sermon on the plans that God has for your family.   Based on Jeremiah 29, he talks through the things that God would have you do in order to build your family His way.


Pastor Arthur Connor is Pastor of Student Ministries at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Davie, FL, and is the Director of First Priority in Miami Dade County, FL

Raising Your Kids God’s Way

In the third installment in the series on “Building Your Family God’s Way”, Pastor Gary Wallace teaches from Psalms 127 on how to raise your kids to become great adults and become great contributors to society.  In this sermon, he provides practical, Biblical-based tips on how to make that a reality.

Building A Home God’s Way

If you believe that God has called you to marriage at some point in the future, if you want to know the how to find the right person to date, if you want to know whether or not you should continue in a relationship, this sermon is for you.

If you are married with our without kids, and you want your home to be a haven and respite, and a place that is fun to come home to, this sermon is for you

If you are single, living with your parent, sibling, or roommate, and you want to know  how to operate to your home, this sermon is for you.

In the first of a series of message on the family, Pastor Gary gives practical, Biblical advice on how to Build a Home God’s Way.